We Show you a few Challenging Strains to Grow

A lot of people have been getting into cannabis cultivation over the past few years. There’s been an increase in the demand for more challenging strains, which test seasoned growers’ skills, despite some strains being easier to cultivate than others. Connoisseurs can push their plants to their limits with these challenging cannabis strains. If you want to make sure your getting top quality seeds of some connoisseur strains, then buy Connoisseur Marijuana Strains at Cannabis Seeds Outlet.

We at Cannabis Seeds Outlet want to offer advanced growers some cool strains to challenge themselves with. We’ve compiled the top ten marijuana strains we think advanced growers will like.

  • Royal Queen Chocolate Haze Strain

It’s OG Chocolate Thai crossed with Cannalope Haze. A good harvest can be had with Chocolate Haze if you have even a little experience. Flowering time is 10-12 weeks, with THC levels 20-25 percent, and CBD levels low. Sea of Green works well with this technique, and it might help with indoor growing.

  • Ace Seeds Golden Tiger Strain

The Golden Tiger by Ace Seeds is a landrace sativa that flowers in 11-14 weeks, grows 125-175cm, and yields 500-600 grams per square meter.

  • Anesia Seeds Purple Thai Strain

It yields 500-600 grams per m2, grows 100-150 cm indoors, and yields 18-22% THC. It’s one of Thailand’s oldest native plants, with its long conic flowers and long hair. There are two phenotypes: one has purple shimmer on leaves and flowers and one has dark green leaves with trichomes.

  • World of Seeds Columbian Gold Strain

Colombian Gold from World of Seeds is a 100% Pure Sativa cross between Landrace Santa Marta and Colombian Gold. It flowers in 12 weeks, yields 500-600 grams, and has a THC content of 20%. The Santa Marta Mountains are Colombia’s highest peaks, so it’s thought that it originated here. The soil is fertile below 2,500m, so you’ll find both tropical jungles and traditional Andean forests.

  • Barneys Farm Acapulco Gold Strain

Killer Genetics’ Nearly Pure 90% Sativa has a flowering time of 10-12 weeks, yields 400-500 grams per square meter, indoor height 110-150 cm, and THC of 20-25%. It’s a sativa-dominant hybrid that’s purple, blue, green, and brown with hints of killer genetics.

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Grow in Colorado
  • Dutch Passion Desfran Strain

Having a height of 100-150 cm indoors and yielding 500-600 grams, it’s cross between an unknown sativa and a Sativa Dominant. This variety has won several cannabis cups in South America and is considered a legend. It’s a cross between a Mexican Oaxaca and a Colombian Punto Rojo crossed with a Meao Thai. Alberto is the owner of Haze Magazine and a Master Grower.

  • World of Seeds New York 47 Strain

The cross of AK47 with NYC Diesel and Thai Haze yields 500-600 grams per square meter, height 110-160 cm, and THC levels 20-24 percent. New York 47 is a hybrid featuring NYC Diesel, AK47, and Thai Haze from World of Seeds. This combination of strains is bound to blow minds, providing the best of three Sativa strains. It has a strong and resilient body.

sativa vs indica
  • Greenhouse Seeds Super Silver Haze Strain

Greenhouse Seeds’ Super Silver Haze contains Haze x NL x Skunk1. It flowers in nine weeks and yields 400-600 grams per square meter. It’s not as hard to grow as it may seem to beginners, but it’s an awesome haze that’s potent, delicious, and has a moreish taste that you keep coming back to. For years, it’s been popular because of its fast production time and Sativa-like harvest.

  • Sagarmatha Seeds Western Winds Strain

Kali Mist crossed with Pure Sativa Genetics from Sagarmatha Seeds yields 500-600 grams per square meter and grows 100-150 cm indoors. With Western Winds, you can grow massive harvests. It grows vigorously from day one, producing thick central stems and strong buds.

  • Big Buddha Seeds Buddha Haze Strain

‘Buddha Haze’ is a cross of Amnesia x Manga Rosa S1. It takes 11-13 weeks to flower, yields 400-500 grams per square meter, grows 125-150cm tall, and has 20-28% THC. Even the most experienced smokers will get knocked out by this strain, which has a high THC and strength level.

Why do connoisseur cannabis growers enjoy challenging strains?

As well as producing unique flavours and effects, connoisseur cannabis growers choose challenging strains for a variety of reasons.

When growers grow challenging strains, they can take pride in their expertise and dedication.When you grow some challenging strains, you can savor the distinct nuances and enjoy your cannabis like never before.The connoisseur grower loves growing challenging strains because it stimulates their sense of adventure and keeps things interesting.

Some strains may be harder to find, making them highly sought after by connoisseurs. When growers succeed in cultivating them, they can share and enjoy a truly unique product.

Cultivating a challenging strain requires a deep understanding of cultivation methods. As a result of cultivating challenging strains, connoisseur growers develop their skills and expand their knowledge. You can apply it not only to challenging strains but also to future strains.

What is the most connoisseur cannabis strain?

If you want to appeal to connoisseurs, your cannabis strain should have a distinct aroma, a balanced THC and CBD content, a high terpene profile, good flower structure, and a good lineage. Besides these attributes, cannabis strains offer connoisseurs a unique smoking and vaping experience.

Growing challenging cannabis strains takes extra attention, patience, and work, but the rewards can be enormous if you succeed. These strains unlock growers’ full potential and give them a one-of-a-kind cultivating experience.

Growing challenging strains is fun for cannabis growers because of their personal accomplishments, unique flavors, challenges, excitement, and limited availability. Growing challenging strains is a rewarding experience if you want to grow exceptional cannabis.

You’ll find the perfect strain after reading this article.

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