Alaska Recreational Marijuana Laws and Regulations

So way up in the great white north Alaska has legalized cannabis for the consumption by adults. This beautiful and vast state has some of the best back country to see. With the many lakes it is known for and its diverse terrain and open spaces, mountains and forests, with abundant wildlife and many small towns. Alaska is a destination point for many cannabis tourists. Alaska is different from any other 420 friendly tourist destination in the world. So here is our abbreviated run down of Alaska recreational marijuana laws.

Adults can possess up to one ounce of cannabis and to grow up to six plants, three of which may be flowering, in their households. They will also be allowed to possess all of the cannabis grown from their plants, but it has to remain at the location where the cannabis was grown.

Adults 21 and over may gift up to an ounce of cannabis and up to six immature plants to other individuals 21 and older. People cannot be compensated for these transactions.


Adults 21 and older will also be allowed to purchase up to an ounce of marijuana from properly registered businesses. In Alaska the law is similar to Oregon, in which state will tax and regulate the growing, sale and use of cannabis, making it accessible to adults over 21 years old. They will also be able to manufacture concentrates, to be used in edibles or as hash.

No public consumption. We hear it all of the time “Can I consume marijuana in public?”  No, it is illegal to consume marijuana in public.This includes areas accessible to the public such as transportation facilities, schools, amusement/sporting/music venues, parks, playgrounds, sidewalks. It is also illegal to smoke at indoor locations like bars, restaurants and common areas in buildings.

This information is not intended or to be used for legal advice or fact.

420 travel guide Alaska Recreational Marijuana Laws