California Recreational Marijuana Laws

Well lets go surfing now, California has become “adult use legal” with its new California recreational marijuana laws! So here coming up in 2017-18 you will be able to go to California and partake in the cannabis there and enjoy what this huge state has to offer. From its beautiful beaches to its world famous ski resorts, California has it all for the cannabis traveler. Start in one of California’s sunniest destinations like San Diego.

So when you head out there be sure to cover this short and brief overview of the California recreational marijuana laws.

So the new law named after Colorado’s law “Prop 64”, allows adults to use legalized recreational marijuana. This is for all adults aged 21 years or older in the state of California.


Any adult in the state of California can posses up to 28.5 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana.

Smoking is permitted in private homes or at any business licensed for on-site marijuana consumption.

An individual is permitted to grow up to six plants within a private home, as long as the area is locked and not visible from a public place.

Smoking remains illegal while driving a vehicle, and anywhere smoking tobacco is too, and is illegal in all public places.

Now of course like all the other recreational cannabis laws, possession on the grounds of a school, day care center, or youth center while children are present remains illegal.

Selling marijuana for recreational use will be by businesses that have acquired a state license.


This information is not intended or to be used for legal advice or fact.

420 travel guide California Recreational Marijuana Laws