Our Travel Tips for International Cannabis Friendly Travelers Welcome! Ciao, bonjour, hola, jambo, ni hau, and hello international visitors! Welcome to the United States of America, the world’s most sophisticated, friendliest, culturally diverse “Melting Pot” in the world and our little article with travel tips for international cannabis friendly travelers. For weeks, international visitors from…
Stoners guide to Visiting Portland Oregon Welcome to the definitive stoners guide to Stumptown! In our stoners guide to visiting Portland Oregon you will find everything you ever wanted to know about catching a buzz in the city but forgot to ask. If you’re reading this, it is safe to assume that you are thinking…
Top 5 Things Not to Do on your Cannabis Vacation So when your out on your next cannabis adventure in one of the “Green states” there are what we consider the top 5 things not to do on your cannabis vacation. Now just a few things to remember are… to be a responsible person, tip…
New Las Vegas Attractions – Nevada Top 5 Cannabis Vacation Ideas All together now. What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. No matter what you call it: Sin City, City of Lights, Glitter Gulch – one thing remains the same. Now weed won’t be available till later this year but start your planning…
4 Things to Plan on Your WEEDkend Tour of Denver Imagine traveling the way wine enthusiasts travel to Napa Valley, or how Cave lovers tour the caves of Spain to taste their favorite bubbles. Well, that’s how cannabis enthusiasts have helped to open up a whole new industry of tourism for their flower of choice.…
Cannabis in Religion – Mixing Both Spirituality’s Cannabis in religion, hand in hand for eons. With so many states legalizing the medicinal use of cannabis and more and more legalizing the recreational use of the plant, we have come a long way since the days of total prohibition. This opens the doors for more people…
Top Stoner Gift Ideas to Box up for your loved ones. Looking for some Top Stoner Gift Ideas? Ever wonder what to get those hard to shop for people for Christmas? Well, if they are cannabis enthusiasts here are some great gift giving ideas. Well first off you can always give them cash, as cash…
The Effect of Lighting on Cannabis Cultivation By kaya technologies Apr 9, 2015 Photosynthesis is an important natural process that keeps plants healthy and green. And in a way all living beings on this earth rely on it for survival. The oxygen that we breathe in is majorly produced by photosynthesis. It was after three…
How To Make Cannabutter Two Simple Ways on How To Make Cannabutter Cannabutter is a butter-based substance that contains THC (or, more specifically, cannabinoids). By heating cannabis and butter, the fat in the butter allows for the extraction of the cannabinoids. For more information, check out The Science of Cooking with Cannabis. You can also…
Portland Marijuana Tourism. While tourism is becoming a trend for marijuana users Portland Marijuana Tourism officials are still working on activities for tourists, as public consumption is not currently legal. That doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to do in Oregon for your average stoner. On the contrary there is quite a bit to do, take…