What is a percolator bong and where can you buy one ? Percolator bong….A lot has changed over the past few years in terms of best bongs and water pipes. The percolator bong gives a whole new twist to cannabis smoking and incorporates some clever and artistic engineering. At first many stoners were dubious about…

Thinking about Quitting Marijuana? Read this!! Thinking about quitting Marijuana? Well marijuana is a subject that most people have a strong viewpoint on. You are either really for it and want it to be legalized because you know the benefits of it or you are the naysayers that really don’t want it legalized. Chances are…

Cannabis Shopping 101 for Cannabis Vacations Cannabis shopping 101, here is a brief intro into buying your first cannabis product. So you have arrived at your cannabis friendly destination, you have checked in the hotel and now it’s time for you and the misses to go purchase some legal cannabis. You find your recreational marijuana…

4 Things to Plan on Your WEEDkend Tour of Denver Imagine traveling the way wine enthusiasts travel to Napa Valley, or how Cave lovers tour the caves of Spain to taste their favorite bubbles. Well, that’s how cannabis enthusiasts have helped to open up a whole new industry of tourism for their flower of choice.…

Top Stoner Gift Ideas to Box up for your loved ones. Looking for some Top Stoner Gift Ideas? Ever wonder what to get those hard to shop for people for Christmas? Well, if they are cannabis enthusiasts here are some great gift giving ideas. Well first off you can always give them cash, as cash…

How To Make Cannabutter Two Simple Ways on How To Make Cannabutter Cannabutter is a butter-based substance that contains THC (or, more specifically, cannabinoids). By heating cannabis and butter, the fat in the butter allows for the extraction of the cannabinoids. For more information, check out The Science of Cooking with Cannabis. You can also…

Should We Be Using Cannabis for your Health We are well aware how the the renowned Cannabis plant is misunderstood. It’s only in recent years that this plant has actually come within the intellectual perspective of the average householder, and that is mainly due to the Internet. A vast majority of the human population, who…

Marijuana Store Etiquette : What to expect and do when you shop for cannabis. The recent proliferation of retail recreational marijuana stores is bringing a new set of rules to weed culture: proper marijuana store etiquette for storefront buyers of medicinal or recreational marijuana. Yes, just like school or dinner parties, there is behavior that…

How to Buy Legal Marijuana Currently, marijuana is legal in Oregon, Colorado, and Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts for adults over the age of 21. The legalization of marijuana is very new in most areas, and states have set up specific rules and guidelines for those interested in buying it. Many people who live in states where…